What is UEBA?
User and Entity Behavior Analytics( UEBA, 使用者與實體行為分析) 使用行為分析來監測user activities 和 infrastructural entities(ex. routers, servers , enterprise applications, IoT devices and so on.) 。
偵測方式通常是建立一個行為的baseline,接著對異常行為(anomaly behavior)發出Alerts,後續由 InfoSec等會接手進行Investigate。
提到user behavior,就需要知道相關的 assets有哪些。
UEBA 的歷史
曾在Gartner 2016 TOP 10 security projects 中獨立存在,2017年消失後, 在2018年再度入榜。這時是與 EPP+EDR,Deception(欺騙) 和 MDR service這幾個一起包進 Detection and Response Project.
在 Gartner 2020-2021 TOP 10 security projects 沒有特地再提UEBA, UEBA 也常已被包含在NextGen SIEM 裡面。
如 2020 SIEM Gartner Magic Quadrant 廠商 LogRhythm, Securonix , Exabeam等,也特意提到他們有包含UEBA。
最常見的 use case 是偵測惡意的insider與滲透進組織的外部 attackers.
UEBA Benefits ( Use cases )
- The ability to accurately detect compromised user accounts and malicious insider by identifying abnormal behavior.
- Useful as part of a software toolkit for preventing data loss.
- The prevention of misuse of privileged account access by ensuring the appropriate use of access rights.
- Improved information security efficiency through automation.
- Reduced attack surface using advanced behavioral analytics to frequently update IT security staff about potential weak points in the network.
- Incident Prioritization: to prevent alert fatigues
- When and how frequently a user is active, how much information they access and what sensitive information they attempt to download by identifying logs, network packets and endpoint logs.
SIEM: focus on log and event information related to suspicious network behavior.
UEBA: emphasizes user and entity behavior.
UEBA is an extension of SIEM applied to a different aspect of information security.
因為UEBA 也通常已被包含在NextGen SIEM 裡面,先來參考一下 Gartner 2020 TOP 的 SIEM 有哪些。
以下為 TOP 20 的 UEBA solutions. 粗體的vendor 也出現在Gartner 2020 Magic Quadrant for SIEM.
- Aruba
- Dtex
- Exabeam
- Forcepoint
- Fortinet
- Fortscale
- Gurucul
- Haystax Technology
- Interset
- LogRhythm
- Microsoft
- One Identity
- Palo Alto
- Preempt
- Securonix
- Splunk
- Varonis
- Veriato
- VMware
https://gurucul.com/news/20-top-ueba-vendors ( include UEBA product feature comparison)
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