2020年12月4日 星期五

資安 | What is CASB? 十分鐘初探 CASB (Cloud Access Security Brokers)


source: https://www.everypixel.com/search?q=&authorname=geralt

What is CASB(Cloud Access Security Brokers) ? Why need CASB?

" CASB is a solution to provide cloud access controls and visibility, acts as a gatekeeper. " 

因今年發生covid-19,work form home(or everywhere)  越來越普遍,各種 NB, Phone, iPad 等managed 或un-managed Devices 現在就更容易就接上公司網路。

另外,近幾年各式各樣的Cloud App ( ex. zoom, salesforce, dropbox, Box....) 和 Cloud platform storage ( ex. AWS S3) 也廣泛地被使用,資料也都座落在這些Cloud storage上(雖然這些資料還是屬於自己的)。

因為這幾個趨勢,造成組織內部security 管理上複雜維度與風險的急遽升高,對於sensitive data 的控制越來越困難,也因此CASB 的重要性隨之升高。

CASB 非取代 SWG, FWaaS 等技術,而是一種補充與加強。

以組織管理的角度來看,Cloud App的部分可區分為Sanctioned app 與 un-sanctioned app兩類。


Gartner 預估2018~2023年,將會有 41% 成長率。

Market is forecast to reach 870 million U.S. dollars in size worldwide in 2019 and 3800 million U.S. dollars in 2023. ( refer to Statista )



其在2014 年就出現於 Gartner top security projects 中,2015年曾掉出榜外,2016 年又上榜至今。雖然中間略有起伏,不過根據最新趨勢看起來是成長的。

CASB最初發源是為了協助發現 Shadow IT,演進到現在支援越來越多的Use cases.

CASB 4 Pillars

Gartner認為CASB應提供四個維度的功能:發現、資料保護、威脅檢測、合規性,亦即 4 pillarsVisibility, Data Security , Threat Protection, Compliance 

  • Visibility – discover shadow IT cloud services and gain visibility into user activity within sanctioned apps
  • Data security – enforce data-centric security such as encryption, tokenization, and information rights management
  • Threat protection – detect and respond to insider threats, privileged user threats, compromised accounts
  • Compliance – identify sensitive data in the cloud and enforce DLP policies to meet data residency and compliance requirements. Provide visibility for various compliance, for example,  PII, HIPAA, PCI, PHI.

CASB Benefits ( Use cases )

  • Gives companies real-time security control enforcement or enough flexibility to "start out in an API mode or a monitoring mode of operation."
  • help security teams understand a cloud security event before blocking is initiated.
  • To simplify cloud access, companies need compliance reporting and usage monitoring.
  • Protect your sensitive information and prevent data leak. ex. Prevent sensitive folders ( in OneDrive, dropbox, box, S3.... ) which are accessible by others who should not access it. 
  • Protect against insider threats and anomalous behaviors : some vendors also have UEBA capabilities.
  • Get real-time controls for user access and sessions from managed and un-managed devices. ex. limit app access, block downloads,  restrict copy/paste in SaaS apps
  • Threat protection: some vendors also provide cloud sandbox capability
  • Some vendors provide CSPM(Cloud Security PostureManagement) function: to evaluate and reduce laaS, PaaS and SaaS config risk 
  • Some vendors provide data protection functions. ex. data encryption.

TOP CASB vendors

參考 Gartner 2020 and 2019 Magic Quadrant for CASB.

一為 McAfee 在 2020 年的評比中從一群Magic Quadrant Vendors 中脫穎而出,衝到最右上角。
另一而是 Symentec 由2019年的leader 退居 Challenger....












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